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What is Aluminum?

The chemical element aluminium, atomic number 13 and symbol Al. It is a silvery, ductile metal. It is generally found in nature as bauxite ore and is known for its superior resistance to oxidation. It is used in the production of millions of different products in many branches of the industry and is indispensable for the space and aviation industry. It finds wide use in the transportation and construction industry, which requires lightness and high strength properties.
Aluminum was discovered in 1825. More precisely, this date is the date when the first pure aluminum was obtained. We can say that aluminum was much more valuable in the 19th century when it was obtained.

Where Is Aluminum Found?
Aluminum is a metal that is used very often, we can say that it is a precious metal because its presence rate is sometimes very low. We can say that aluminum is found in the bauxite ore in nature. If we take it more broadly, aluminum is quite common in the earth's crust. Since people cannot remove this metal from the earth's crust, they remove it from its free state. This, of course, is achieved by separation from the ore. At this point, aluminum is considered very valuable because a limited amount of aluminum is obtained.
If we ask where aluminum can be found in Turkey, we can count the following cities (these are the places where bauxite ore is extracted): Konya, Antalya, Adana and Muğla provinces. In these provinces bauxite is mined and aluminum is obtained from it.
If the availability of a mineral used in many areas around the world decreases, its value increases considerably. For this reason, the value of aluminum has sometimes increased considerably. Especially in the 19th century, when it was newly discovered, its value is extremely high. Its value is still quite high in the 21st century, but it is no longer as inaccessible as it was back then.